Our Story
Transforming the Headaches of Mom-and-Pop Landlords into a Business

Our team started from Jing, a 20-year individual landlord in her free time. Maintenance and repair was always a problem, and it got a lot worse after Jing started to manage vacation rentals in 2016. Dealing with guest issues, furnishing property with hundreds of items, repair requests, and endless demands on cleaning. Her rental properties had become more of a burden than an investment.
Through the process, with a lot of helps from other moms, we found this is a shared headache for small landlords. Finding a high-quality handyman and cleaning lady was a big challenge for individual investors, constantly. Furnishing a vacation rental for hundreds of items can be dragged to months.
Jing, Niya and Ling , longtime friends and former team members on www.nonscents.com, started to form a staging team of 5 moms at the end of 2021. After tens of projects were done in 2022, 2-3 months of vacation rental stagings were shortened to 2-3 weeks.
Finding high-quality handymen and maintenance vendors continued as a headache until Jason joined us in early 2023, when we officially started Valta Homes business to focus end-to-end service for vacation rentals from staging & remodeling to yearly maintenance.